Google Algorithm Updates in June – July 2023

Google updates its search engine ranking algorithm to provide a great user experience making it the best search engine of all time.
These Algorithm changes rolled out perfectly most of the time and were able to deliver the best user experience for any query on Google.
But when harsh penalties rolled out with the Panda and Penguin updates, it became clear that they are quite serious about bringing the best of the best user-friendly experience, and now everyone is talking about Google Algorithm Updates in June -July 2021.
The truth is Google Algorithm updates take place every day and mostly it is left unnoticed.
Only the major algorithmic updates that are expected to affect search rankings dramatically are informed before the world by Google as a tweet.
Google Algorithm Updates in June -July 2023
What is Google Algorithms?
Google algorithm is a complex algorithm used to retrieve data from its search engine to deliver the best results for its users.
The search engine uses numerous ranking factors and a combination of various algorithms to deliver web pages that are most relevant and useful for a particular query.
And this will be delivered on its search engine results pages, also known as SERPs.
Google only made limited updates to its algorithm during its early years. However, now each year Google comes up with new updates to improve their user experience.
Few of the updates Google rolled out previously had significantly impacted the SERPs.
To help you make sense of Google’s major algorithmic Updates in June -July 2021, we have created a list of the most important algorithm updates and penalties rolled out in the past years.
The major Algorithm updates are the following:
Panda – February 2011
Panda algorithm update was first launched in 2011 but went through several updates over the years. Panda was not added to Google’s core ranking algorithm, not until the beginning of 2016. It targets spam and weak content that wasn’t helping the visitors in any way. For example, thin content, duplicate content, and pages filled with ads are all penalized.
Penguin – April 2012
Followed by Panda, the Google Penguin algorithm update was released in April 2012, primarily focusing on quality content. Penguin algorithm update also targeted spam by looking at the number of quality backlinks.
Hummingbird – August 2013
The Hummingbird algorithm update was designed to help Google understand intent and context better forcing the digital marketers to shift towards longtail keywords.
Mobile – April 2015
The mobile algorithm update forced all sites to become mobile-friendly or risk being penalized in the SERPs. Rather than mobile optimization being reserved for the brands at the forefront of the industry, every site needs to have a mobile version of its website.
RankBrain – October 2015
When the RankBrain algorithm update was launched in October 2015, it introduced artificial intelligence to the Google algorithm. The algorithm now has the power to monitor user behavior and respond to queries efficiently to provide a better user experience on your website.
Medic – May 2018
The “Medic” Core Update is the one that Google does several times a year. The Medic algorithm update had a large impact on health, finance, and YMYL (your money your life) pages.
Bert – October 2019
BERT is a neural network-based technique for natural language processing. It can understand the complete context of a query just by looking at each word. The Bert algorithm update was so significant in the history of Algorithm.
Core Updates – present
Google’s recommendations are focused on three main objectives: expertise, credibility, and worthiness(E.A.T). The content that fits these objectives will help users get the best ranking results for their query was one of the core updates.
Even though COVID-19 hit in 2020, Google still rolled out a major core update in May 2020 that will help businesses and sites keep up with the changes brought about by the digital revolution.
Following E-A-T guidelines is very helpful for this Google Core Update. Getting to know the quality rater guidelines will help you understand how Google rates your content and now the Google core updates 2021.
Prior to Google Algorithm Updates in June -July 2021, several other Google updates are introduced as well – Google Fred update, spam update, Google page experience algorithm update, product reviews update, Passage ranking update, Featured snippet deduplication, etc.
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What are Google algorithm updates impacting?
Whenever Google announces a new update, Website owners brace themselves, especially Digital Marketers, hoping it will not impact websites’ search engine rankings that they have built over years and years of hard work.
Right now you can even have a preview on how the google ranking factors in 2022 is gonna be like.
For example, the Medic algorithm update. When it was launched, several medical/ health care websites and finance websites were drastically affected. It was so severe that many of these websites have still not recovered.
The main reason for this update was that Google wanted its users to view resources or information from trusted sources when it comes to health, finance, etc.
This is mainly because Google measures the authority of a website by various factors like the age of the website and the number of relevant quality backlinks.
If a website does not meet its criteria, it is likely to get affected by these updates or will be penalized.
What is the Google Core Web Vitals?
The Core Web Vitals are page interface redesign of Google that includes a new collection of user experience-based ranking signals to roll out in June, that’s nothing but Google Algorithm Updates in June -July 2021.
It tracks a variety of real-world user interactions to calculate your page performance and speed that affects the page rankings in search engine results.
Loading, interactivity, and visual stability are the three primary core web vitals that these new update targets.
☑ Loading
The new update will measure how long does it take for the largest graphic element on a web page to load. In other words, it measures how easily the largest and most significant piece of content on the site. If the web pages load in 2.5 seconds or less will be counted as “good” by Google. 25% of your site’s Google Performance score is dependent on this Largest Contentful Page.
☑ Interactivity
The new update will estimate how long it takes for a web page to respond when a user interacts with it for the very first time. This measurement is known as “First Input Delay.” It measures the speed it takes for a website to respond to user input. It can even be a button click. To clear the test, your web page must respond in less than 100 milliseconds.
☑ Visual Stability
The third Core Web Vital, measures the consistency of the website and whether items shift out of place as new ones are loaded. Websites often load page content in a staggered manner. If a web page can reach its Cumulative Layout Shift state within 100 milliseconds, it will be “good” according to Google standards.
The web page must get a score of less than.1 because it accounts for 5% of the Performance Score.
To pass Google Algorithm Updates in June -July 2021, websites are required to clear a Core Web Vital test to rank.
Each of these three would be weighed against pre-existing page experience metrics such as mobile-friendliness, secure browsing, and more.
How To Clear Google’s Core Web Vitals?
Google offers tools that enable the audit of the website. In some cases such as LCP, your web developer should have been prescribing graphics of different sizes, each of which will only load for a certain kind of devices like desktop, mobile phones, or tablet.
The Core Web Vitals update will likely drive businesses away from poor hosting services onto one server to improve the loading speed. And that’s one of the reasons why core updates are important.
Also, the days when you can comfortably upload any image taken on their phones to your sites are over.
★ Google Core Web Vitals Impacts SEO
From an SEO perspective, the broad core algorithm update is an opportunity to customize the website for successful scores. Since google intends to display a badge next to each search result that clears the Core web vitals test, this will make it easier for the user to choose the best, out of the rest to find a solution or a piece of information.
These Google Algorithm Updates in June -July 2021 might significantly reduce the bounce rate and increase the retention rates over time.
However, these principles are nothing new to web developers and digital marketers who know the important components of technical SEO and prioritize the user.
Most of the time, all of these are already considered with SEO to make the website more user-friendly and engaging for the audience.
Altogether, the Google Core Web Vitals update reflects a world where the majority of the website traffic is emerging from mobile devices.
Wrap it up
People in emerging economies access the Internet the most through mobile, and the importance of this format will continue to grow.
Google’s latest complex algorithm update compels everyone to be ready for the future with sites that are easy to use on any device rather than just one.
Google’s algorithm is constantly changing to provide the best information to its users as quickly as possible. To rank high on the SERP, no matter how the algorithm changes, make sure you create high-quality content and a website that’s user-friendly for your target audience.
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