By  SREERESH K  |  Date  :  07-july-2022

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Opportunities don’t happen; you create them.

You have to create pathways to opportunities for jobs, and these pathways can be made by doing some Short term courses after your degrees or post-graduation. Just a degree holder or a post-graduation holder can’t bear the cutthroat competition on the path to a job. You have to gain some skills, to withstand this competition So, often doing a short-term course will help you jump out of the job drought by gaining skills to work.

How will this blog of short term courses list help you find the right course?

Follow these tips; you can find the right course:-

You should have complete knowledge about the short-term course that you will select because this selection can decide your future. You have to ask yourself some questions before you select a course. There are many others, but the 5 essential questions you should ask yourself while choosing a course from the short term courses list we provide.

  • Do I have a passion for this course or this subject?
  • Is it suitable for my capacity for Learning?
  • Does this course bring opportunities for me?
  • What will be the Job roles and salary packages?
  • Which is the best academy/institution for this course?

Don’t select some courses because of your relatives or friend’s advice, it’s your life, and only you can choose which one suits you and which is not.

How Job Opportunities Changed Post Covid19 ?

This world needs skill; are you skilled?

Covid19 has stopped this busy running world, and it’s after-effects have made many humans jobless. According to the famous US, Global based company’s research, 17 million people may have to shift their occupation by the mid of 2030 In the US alone because of the profound change that took place in the world during coronavirus. The main trend set for an office job during the covid19 period is –

Much more reliant on remote work

Now the world is slowly jogging back to its fast track, and post-covid job conditions and job opportunities have been entirely different from pre-covid conditions. Now, most of the organizations or companies are Adopting the Permanent work from home model. This decision will be beneficial for the people who are not willing to relocate or who can’t travel. Job opportunities for the information technology field are getting higher every day, as in the case of the medical field. This changed world needs better skills, and you have to gain skills that can be gained through doing courses according to the field that you are in.

What Is The Significance Of Short Term Job Oriented Courses In Kerala ?

 According to the latest reports in 2021, the literacy rate of Kerala is 96.2 %

That sounds good, right??

According to the quarterly survey, Kerala’s unemployment rate was 24.4 percent from April-June 2021.

Then how about that??

I know this looks weird and not so good. The world doesn’t need a highly educated person as an employer but a highly skilled person as their employee.

Skills matter the most…

To find a reputed job, you need skills, and these skills come from the training you’ve done. Implement more Short term job oriented courses in kerala have been one of the most discussed terms by the Kerala government itself to reduce the unemployment rate. Things to look out to Choose the best job oriented courses after graduation in Kerala that suits you: There are many job oriented courses available around, and you have to choose the course according to your passion and capacity of learning.

For example, if you are not a good coder , choosing a full stack development course will not help you, and it’ll cost you time and money. If your passion is for coding and you have good coding skills, you should go for it. Don’t force yourself to take any course, you should have the complete information and knowledge about the course that you are going to take, don’t rush and choose according to other’s opinions.

The choice must be yours.

Top 15 trending short term courses list:

  • An advanced Digital Marketing Course
  • Search Engine Optimization Course(SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing and PPC course
  • Content Writing
  • Social Media Marketing(SMM)
  • CCNA
  • Finance Accounting and Taxation
  • Certificate Program in Data Science
  • PHP certification
  • Advanced Java Programming
  • Machine Learning and AI certification
  • Graphic Designing
  • Web Designing
  • Certificate in Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

An Advanced Digital Marketing Course


Advanced digital marketing course is one of the most trending courses around the globe, The world is getting digitized, so the opportunities for digital marketing will also increase in large amounts. It may take upto 3 months to complete this course, but if you are a good learner, this can be completed in less than 3 months. you can choose a right short term job oriented courses for your career. digital marketing course is one of the right course to learn and get a job.

Digital marketing course advantages:

  • Everyone can learn it easily if you
  • have a passion for it
  • A job after the digital marketing
  • course is always easy to find.
  • It offers more remote jobs
  • A man/woman who prefers freelance
  • work can also choose digital marketing.
  • You can earn through different
  • sources when you are a digital marketer.
  • It can drive more reach and conversions for your business if you are a businessman or an ecommerce store owner.

 Advanced digital marketing course includes the following contents in it:

  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Website Planning and Creation
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • .Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing & Strategy
  • Web Analytics
  • Web Remarketing
  •  Email Marketing
  • Design Essentials
  • Mobile Marketing
  • E-Commerce Management
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Marketing Automation.

These are the topics which will be covered in a quality advanced digital marketing course. If you want to choose a digital marketing course for your career, you must select an academy or an institute that will provide the above-mentioned. There are digital marketing institutes in each corner of the city, and some of them don’t have minimum quality, and don’t get fooled.Digital marketing should be learned through practical sessions. Learning only theory sessions is always a waste of time.

Choose wisely; you have to check the syllabus and the teaching method of any institute you are choosing.

Search Engine Optimization Course(SEO)

SEO  career is one of the parts of a digital marketing course. digital marketing is one of job oriented courses in Kerala. If you want to specialize or focus on one part rather than going for everything, SEO will be best for you. The practice of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to aligning your site to appear higher on a search engine result page (SERP) to ensure that you can get more traffic. The goal is usually to be at the top of Google results for keywords that are most relevant to your intended audience. It’ll take upto 1 month to complete the basics of the SEO course. you are ready to learn short term job oriented courses and you are interested you can choose this course.

These are the basic modules that should be covered in SEO :-

  • Introduction To SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Keyword Research Process
  • Content Planning and Creation
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Avoid Negative SEO
  • Local SEO
  • YouTube SEO
  • Analysis
  • Certification

If you want a high paying IT related job , you can choose an SEO course, and it’ll help you.

Search Engine Marketing And PPC Course


The term “search engine marketing” (SEM) refers to an online marketing strategy employed to improve the visibility of websites on search engine results webpages (SERPs). So every business in this world needs a search engine marketer so the scope and opportunities for SEM will be high. If you are choosing SEM for your career it is a job oriented courses in Kerala, it will be one of the great decisions, because it won’t let you down.

 SEM includes the following subtopics:

  • Search Engine Marketing Overview.
  • Pay-per-click overview.
  • Strategizing PPC campaigns.
  • Market Analysis.
  • Ad writing Techniques.
  • Campaign Management
  • Bid Management Plan
  • Effective Landing Page
  • Performance tracking
  • Reporting and analysis
  • Testing
  • SEM other opportunities.


Content Writing


Content writing refers to how you write, edit and publish content using a digital format.

This content could comprise blog articles, videos and podcast scripts, eBooks, Whitepapers, or press release descriptions of product categories landing pages or social media content … as well as much more.

A perfect content writing course helps you for:

  • Learn the core concepts of Content Writing, Copywriting & Content Marketing
  • Find your ideal reader, or your ideal audience and develop a buyer personas
  • Learn effective copywriting skills: crafting compelling headlines, calling to action, and persuading readers
  • Optimizing the content correctly to get better search engine rankings
  • Stand out from the crowd by polishing your writing skills

Social Media Marketing(SMM)


The term “social media marketing” (SMM) is making use of the social web and networks to advertise the company’s products and services.

Social media marketing offers companies the opportunity to interact with customers who are already there and also attract new ones while giving them the opportunity to advertise their preferred brand, mission or tone. Are you searching short term job oriented courses you can choose this if you are interested.

Advanced Social media marketing includes:

  • The Role of Social Media Marketing
  • Goals and Strategies
  • Identifying Target Audiences
  • Rules of Engagement for SMM
  • Social Media Platforms and Social Network Sites
  • Video Marketing
  • Marketing with Photos Sharing Sites
  • Content Marketing: Publishing Articles, White Papers, and EBooks
  • Mobile Marketing on Social Networks
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Tools for Managing the Social Media Marketing Effort
  • Social Media Marketing Plan.


CCNA(Cisco Certified Network Associate)


The CCNA, which means Cisco Certified Network Associate–is an information technology entry level (IT) certification given by the networking hardware manufacturer Cisco. This CCNA can be used to prove your expertise in the most fundamental concepts of networking that are frequently required for networking positions in IT roles. Are you trying to learn job oriented  courses in Kerala this is best course.

The best CCNA course includes the following:-

  • Compare and contrast OSI and TCP/IP models.
  • LAN Switching Technologies.
  • Routing Technologies.
  • WAN Technologies.
  • Infrastructure Services.
  • Infrastructure Security.
  • Infrastructure Management.

Finance Accounting and Taxation

Accounting encompasses every financial transaction to a certain extent, tax accounting concentrates exclusively on the transactions that impact an organisation’s tax burden and how they have to do with tax calculation as well as tax documentation preparation. It is mainly for the bachelor of commerce students but there is no rule that only bcom students can learn this course.

Everyone who wants to switch to an accounting career can also use this course as a stepping stone. Most demanding job oriented courses in Kerala is financial accounting and taxation.

It provides the complete knowledge on the following topics:-

  • Office Tools
  • Advanced Excel
  • Fundamentals of Accounting
  • Finalization of Accounts
  • Tally with GST Direct Tax Cost Management & Auditing
  • Payroll Compliance with Tally
  • MCA
  • IFRS
  • BFSI
  • Quick Book

Certificate Program In Data Science


It’s an area in study as well as practice specifically focused on the ability to gain information from data. Data science practitioners use the skills of programming, statistics as well as machine learning methods to search through large amounts of data to find patterns that allow them to examine the past, and even forecast the future.

Components in data science:-

  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning
  • Business Acumen or Intelligence
  • Modelling Process in Data Science

A data scientist will always have a wide-open door of opportunities.

But if you want to be a data scientist, you should be good at:-

  • Statistical analysis and computing.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Deep Learning.
  • Processing large data sets.
  • Data Visualisation.
  • Data Wrangling.
  • Mathematics.
  • Programming.

Certificate In Blockchain Technology


Blockchain technology refers to a method of storage which stores transactional data which is also referred to as the block the public in a variety of databases, also known by the term “chain,” in a network of peer-to-peer nodes.

In general, this type of storage is described as a digital ledger.

Blockchain Technology course components are as follows:-

  • Blockchain and FinTech: Basics, Application, and Limitations
  • Blockchain technology:
  • Technological and Cryptographic Elements in Blockchain
  • Blockchain Platforms.
  • Blockchain Applications.
  • The Limitations, Opportunities, and Challenges of Blockchain.

Anyone with a technological background is able to take advantage of the course.

Certain institutions provide this course to graduate students and undergraduates too. However, students must be familiar with programming and coding before taking this course.

PHP certification

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is widely known as a scripting language general-purpose that can be employed to build interactive and dynamic websites. It was one of the very first languages on servers to be integrated into HTML, making it much easier to add features to websites without the need to access external files for information.

PHP course follows the below syllabus:-

  • Introduction to PHP
  • Decisions and loop
  • Function
  • Array
  • Handling Html Form with Php
  • Working with files and Directories
  • Session and Cookie
  • Database Connectivity with MySql
  • Exception Handling

Anyone who has a coding skill can go for the php course and its certification.

Advanced Java Programming

It is a component of the Java programming language. This will be an innovative technology or an advanced version of Java specifically designed to create web-based, network-centric, or enterprise-oriented applications. It encompasses concepts such as Servlet, JSP, JDBC, RMI, Socket programming, and more. It is a sub-specialization within a specific area.

JAVA programming is one of the most demanded programming languages and can give more opportunities. If you have good skills in coding, java programming is one of the best courses you can choose for finding a well-reputed job.

Java can be divided into two parts: Core Java and Advanced Java. Core Java covers the basics (data types, operations, loops and operators, thread, exception handling, etc.).

Java programming language. It’s used to create general-purpose applications. Advanced Java focuses on the core concepts of database connectivity, networking, and Servlet. This section will cover the benefits, uses, and topics of advanced Java. It also discusses the differences between core Java Java and advanced Java.

Advanced java:

It is part of the Java programming language. It is a special technology or advanced version of Java that is designed to create web-based, network-centric, or enterprise applications. It covers concepts such as Servlet and JSP. JDBC, Socket programming are all included. It’s a specialty in a specific domain.

Advanced Java is used in most applications. Client and Server. All applications running on the Server can be considered advanced Java applications.

Why advance java?

It simplifies the complex building of n-tier applications.
Standardized API between components and the application server container.
JEE Application Server and Containers provide the framework services.



Machine Learning And AI Certification

Machine learning (ML), a type of artificial intelligence (AI), allows software applications to be more accurate in predicting outcomes, even though they are not explicitly programmed. Machine learning algorithms make use of historical data to predict future output values. you can choose if you are trying to find a short term job oriented courses.

Machine learning and AI contain:-

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Types of Machine Learning
  • Innovations in AI
  • Patterns in Data
  • Classification Models
  • Introduction to AI Lab
  • Importing Models in App Lab
  • Model Cards
  • Saving Models in AI Lab
  • Model Cards in App Lab
  • Numerical Models
  • Numerical Data in AI Lab
  • Customizing Apps
  • AI Code of Ethics
  • Mini-Project: Make a Machine Learning App

Graphic Designing


Graphic design is a skill where professionals create visual content to communicate messages. Designers use visual hierarchy and page layout techniques to create graphic design that meets users’ needs. They also focus on the logic behind displaying elements in interactive designs to maximize the user experience. Graphic designing is a short term job oriented courses you can get a job in short period. Are you trying to find a short term job oriented courses you can choose this.

Graphic designing never dies because it’s an art, and art never dies.
You can earn through working in a design company and you can also do freelance work.

The main parts of graphic designing are:-

  • Introduction to Modern Graphic Design
  • Design Building Blocks Essentials
  • All About Typography
  • Colour and Colour Theory
  • Advertisements, Publications, Photography, and Visual Identity
  • Logotype Shape Designs and Organisation of Documents
  • Layout Design and Collage
  • Graphics Enhancement and Systems
  • Preparing your Portfolio and Course Consolidation.

Web Designing

Web design is the style of websites that are presented online. It is usually referring to the user-experience aspects of web development, as opposed to the development of software.

Basic things you have to note for learning web designing:

  • Understand the key concepts of visual design
  • Know the basics of HTML
  • Understand CSS
  • Learn the foundations of UX
  • Familiarize yourself with UI
  • Understand the basics of creating layouts
  • Learn about typography
  • Get a mentor

Certificate in Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Computer-aided design (CAD) is an approach to digitally making 2D and 3D models of products that are real before they’re manufactured. Through 3D CAD you are able to communicate, review as well as simulate designs with ease, opening doors to unique and distinctive products that are launched in a short time.

Auto cad covers these main parts:-

  • Auto CAD Interface
  • Block, W-block, X-attach, & X-Ref
  • Sketch Entities & Sketch Tools
  • Sketch Visualisation & Sketch Analysis
  • Dimensions & Dimension Styles

How Does Digital Marketing Top In This Short Term Courses List?


Digital marketing can be considered as one of the best job oriented courses after degree in kerala , because of the opportunities digital marketing career provides for a student who has completed digital marketing.vHe/she can choose to work for a company or can become a freelancer which is also a great option. Actually, digital marketing jobs are one of the most flexible jobs around the world.

Some of the digital marketing jobs and pay scales in India, and the pay scale will only increase outside India.

  • Digital marketing executive:- to 1-year experience get an annual income of 1.8 lakhs to 3 lakhs.
  • Digital marketing specialist:-1 to 3 years experience get an annual income of 2.4 lakhs to 4.2 lakhs.
  • Digital marketing analyst/lead:-2 to 4 years experience get an annual income of 3 to 6 lakhs.
  • Digital marketing team lead/ strategist :-3 to 5 years experience get an annual income of 3.6 lakhs to 7.2 lakhs.
  • Digital marketing manager:-4 with 8 years of experience get an annual income 8 lakhs to 30 lakhs.

Now digital marketing courses are available easily in each and every corner of a city, but quality is the problem. The quality of the course should be good to attain good skills, and the industry needs people with skills.





By coming to the end of this blog, i am pretty sure you got a crystal clear idea of choosing the best course,
from the short term courses list, I’ve provided. You can choose your right short term job oriented courses from short term courses list based on your taste.

Experts say

“The eyes of a digital marketer can see a better world with better opportunities “

