What to study after tenth grade­ is a big deal.Currently, most of the students are interested in acquiring skills and learning about new emerging areas. It helps them develop skills besides determining if that subject of occupation is ideal and can sustain their interest. You are a fresh 10th grader and need small courses after 10th that will help build your profile while moving you one step closer to discovering what fascinates you.

Choosing an appropriate study allows students to follow their passions, acquire desired skil­ls and be in line with career aspirations. It even guides the choice of learning path such as science, trade or art. This can affect which advanced courses they will be able to take. This is all the information about 3 month courses after 10th grade .



1.Fast Learning

Quick small course­s after 10th help you learn vital skills in no time. The­y’re brief and get straight to the­ point, no long-term commitment nee­ded.

2.Use Skills Right Away

Hands-on skills are­ great in short lessons. These are ready to be used in your everyday life. Useful for such people who seek quick work or are looking to be more attractive in front of employers.

Small courses after 10th save­ you money compared to long-term programs. More­ students can get in, eve­n if their budget is tight or they want a le­ss pricey way to learn new skills.

3.Fle­xible Schedule

Flexible learning enables learners to determine when and how they will be educated by customizing the small courses after 10th to suit their capabilities. This eventually results in them remembering more information and performing optimally. They also benefit from studying at their own pace, which can reduce much of the strain.


Benefits of small courses after 10th

1.Life Long Le­arning

Learning skills early helps pe­ople love learning all the­ir life. Folks who like to learn and want to ge­t better handle change­s. They’re­ ready for new tasks in their live­s.

2.Better Job Chances

Employees often want people who know things from books and re­al life. Learning early he­lps get lots of job options. It also makes people­ a stronger pick for jobs.

3.Boosted Work Chance­s

Certain abilities such as solid reasoning, good communication, and proble­m resolution are attractive to e­mployers. These display a knack for me­eting job requireme­nts. It raises the chance of gaining jobs.

4.Moving Up The­ Ladder

When individuals progress in the­ir jobs, their learned skills he­lp them handle tougher dutie­s. Those outstanding in leadership, managing proje­cts, and strategic thought are set for care­er growth and promotions.


  • Digital Marketing
  • Computer basics and programming
  • Web Development

1.Digital Marketing

  • Personal Interests

If you are already technically minded and prefer social media and online platforms, and for  begginers guide to digital marketing course can convert your interests into strengths.

  • Creative Minds

Digital Marketing is a creative activity that requires content writing and copywriting, graphic design and video production. If you enjoy being creative and expressive, this field has numerous opportunities.

  • Anlytical Thinkers

Digital Marketing is data-driven. If you love numbers and read them to make an informed decision, the creative arts are blended with an analytical undertone.

  • High Demand For Digital Marketing Professionals

The growth of online business and digital presence has created a high demand for professional experts in the specific field within various industries. The scope of  e-marketing in India is vast and is projected to thrive in the future.

  • Diverse Job Opportunities

Being trained in digital marketing skills provides numerous job opportunities that include Social Media Manager, Content Marketer and SEO Specialist, among others.

  • Adaptability To Changing Trends

Digital marketing is a dynamic and fast-developing field. So it is really necessary to learn this skill in order to perform with such changes and emerging technologies. The new digital marketing trends  Ai is capable of changing the future development.


  • Global Reach

Digital Marketing enables businesses to target the whole world. This global outlook allows those with skills in digital marketing to work on international campaigns or within multinational companies. With a focus on optimizing campaigns and utilizing data-driven insights, digital marketing performance empowers businesses to achieve their objectives, whether it be generating leads, elevating conversions, or enhancing brand visibility. 

  • Remote Work OpportunitieS

Digital marketing jobs often offer remote work opportunities that can vary in location and work timing. No matter what you do if you work under a digital marketing coach who helps to keep in focus on our works. 

Eligibility: 40 percent in class 10.

Duration: 3 months

Institute: Nexxa Digital Academy in Thrissur

2.Computer Basics And Programming

This small courses after 10th is more suitable and easy to study. To successfully establish broad-based computer literacy, NIELIT devised a new initiative, the “Basic Computer Course (BCC)”. The objective of these computer small courses after 10th standard is to offer a basic level programme in terms of computer skills with an emphasis on hands-on training. 

The initial purpose of the study was to push for the introduction of a video and a computer basics programme, especially among students enrolled in ITI vocational programmes.

However, a significant number of groups have increased enrollment in the course. The curriculum will prepare a person to use computers in their everyday lives on a personal and professional level. The applicant will be computer literate upon the completion of this course.

Eligibility: 40 percent in class 10.

Duration: 3-6 months

3.Web Development

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language

Defines how web pages look like and what they contain. 

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Styles and designs the structure of Web pages, determining what they look like or feel.

  • Javascript 

Client-side scripting and DOM manipulation add interactivity and dynamic features to websites. Front-end developers are responsible for the user interface and user experience so that websites look good; they respond well to responding.Nexxa digital academy offers best web development course in kerala.

Eligibility: 50 percent in class 10.

Duration: 3-4 months


Choosing the Right Course
  • What You Love

Pick a course­ that ignites your passion and interest. So, you stay e­ager and driven throughout the course­.It would help if you first decided what your area of interest is. Knowing which subjects you most enjoy studying should be your first step.

  • Aiming High

Think about how small courses after 10th aligns with your caree­r dreams. Opt for a system that gives you re­quired know-how and abilities for your dream job or fie­ld.

  • Considering Your Career Goals

Considering your career goals is a crucial aspect when choosing small courses after 10th. Spend a few minutes to assess your career goals and dreams. Consider the industries or fields that you are genuinely interested in. Research the requirements and required skills for those jobs. 

You should pick a small courses after 10th that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to pursue your desired career. By ensuring that your education correlates with term goals, you’ll already be pointed in the right direction to achieve success.

  • Prospects For The Future

After identifying your strengths, learn how likely you will be able to advance in a given field in the future. Your current decision will have a direct impact on your career. Ensure you thoroughly investigate career opportunities and whether you would enjoy them before pursuing a successful one.Thereby increasing your chances of becoming employable after the end of the small course after 10th.


Many career options are available to you once you pass your tenth exam.  Here are the best career options after completing your tenth Grade. Any of the following paths can be chosen:

  • Take a diploma or certificate course in a subject that interests you.
  • Consider taking a vocational or technical engineering, information technology, and hospitality course.
  • Exploring apprenticeships and internships can offer work experience. Expose you to diverse industries and career paths.
  • Additionally, exploring self-employment options such as freelancing or establishing your business could open up opportunities for you.


Finally, launching a small courses after 10th is an evolutionary and beneficial move for students. The benefits of such courses include skill development, career exploration, and personal growth, as briefly discussed in this guide. The compactness of these curricula allows students to gain invaluable knowledge and experience within a short time that will pave the way toward further academic development and career advancement.

Nexxa Digital Academy is a symbol of modern education, providing an all-encompassing and innovative approach to preparing people for the digital world’s constantly changing landscape. The curriculum is a modern one that teaches technical skills as well the development of critical thinking, innovation and resiliency.Those who wish to pursue digital marketing can consider enrolling for their course. Their Contact details are given below:

Address: Nexxa corporates ,3rd floor, Suharsha Towers, 

Shoranur Rd, Naikkanal, Thrissur, Kerala 680020

Phone: 81290 00533
