7 Best online resume builders of 2022

BY  Misna nawrin  |  Nov 08.

Best online resume builders of 2022

I bet, right now you are in deep confusion on choosing which online resume builder for building your resume.


Everyone will have that dilemma when they realize that there are tons and tons of options to build your resume and to find the best out of them is a difficult task.


When you choose an online resume builder, it must be so daunting to understand choose among these and which will serve your exact purpose.


Well let’s see which of these 7 best online resume builders of 2022 will help you with that.


In this article we will get to know the top 7 best online resume builders of 2022 which are excelling in the field due to their various enticing features.


Let’s check out which one will suit you best for your needs. 

We can’t get directly into the topic either. Before getting deep into the seven, let’s see why you need an online resume builder and what purposes do they serve.

why do you need an online resume builder in 2022

Best resume creating websites

Considering the fact that it is 2022 and we are hit by the pandemic, the amount of joblessness is just at the extreme.


And when someone loses their job they don’t sit simply like that, they try for another one until they get one.


So this is indeed a time where high competition is present in just getting into a job. competition after getting to a job stays aside.


At this time every employer must have a huge pile of resumes that they have to attend and find the people that they have to interview. 


You only get a job when your interview is perfect and if you want to get into an interview, then a perfect and attractive resume is your key. You must make resumes that wins interview.


This is where an online resume builder will help you. They help you to save time, they help you to customize your resume, they help you to keep more than one at a time, they help you have access anywhere.


Did that run too long? Let me just pause and explain each one of them.

They help you to save time

help you to save time

Apart from creating a resume manually, this should only take a few minutes. The basic working function of a resume builder is like; -you enter your details and all your qualification and extra curricular skills and everything else is done by them.


You just have to insert the correct data and the correct information about you and the type of job you are preparing to and all the rest is completed by the online resume builder.


They will provide you with various templates, various options for customization and will also show you how you want your resume to be within minutes.


Isn’t that amazing.


Wait, this is only one. The rest is coming.

Accessible at anywhere

Accessible at anywhere

Just imagine that you are in a situation where you have to immediately look at your resume or upgrade your resume or correct your resume for a job opportunity which is on the go. This is where we can call an online resume builder the perfect companion.


With an online resume builder you might have the ability to access your resume at anywhere and anytime just with the device and the basic information to unlock your account.


And you can add or edit or exchange or upgrade or correct your resume however you want, whenever you want, wherever you are.

Option to customize your resume

customise your resume

With an online resume builder you can easily customize your CV however you want them to be.

Every job has their own particularity and this seeks different or attractiveness or something else in the recruits they are looking forward to. And this is where an online resume builder will help you.


If you are inserting the information about the kind of job you are looking for or the one job you’re preparing for, this comes under this particularity, then your resume will be customized according to that and you can also add your own taste and wishes on the appearance.


Many online resume builders also have options where they give you choices or assistance on how your resume should look or what all information must go in according to the type of job you are preparing.


Variety of resume templates

Variety of resume templates


This may look like a simple or useless feature but if you look deeper you can see the hidden use in there. An employer must be having a whole pile of resumes dumped in front of him or her, from which they select a few and ask for the interview.


You might not want to be tangled up in that pile and not get noticed. So using these templates into your resume and making it outstanding can help you to get an interview easier.


Despite everything, a resume is the first impression that the employer gets about you.


Can keep more than one resume at a time


keep more than one resume at a time

 There might be situations where you have to apply for more than one job at a time which lays on completely different poles so you might also want to keep different resumes, completely based on different poles.


Online resume builders will help you with that. They can help you to have more than one resume with completely different information and data according to the qualifications you’ve gained.


So having this option with you while you are in a difficult situation is indeed a life saver.


Now we have talked enough about the major pluses of having an online resume builder at your rescue apart from these when you have a resume that is designed and created with the help of an online resume builder the employer must have the impression that you are using the technology to the greatest extent that can also be a great place for your interview and getting a job.


Now since we have talked enough about the nature things that shows you why you should consider an this one, let’s get into the 7 best online resume builder of 2022

7 best online resume builders of 2022

creative and professional resume templates

1. Zety


I will rate zety as the top 1 because it is such a user friendly online resume generator app one of the most interesting features that caught my eye was their walkthrough sessions.


They have a lot of amazing and different features that you can use to create a perfect and beautiful resume. And they will walk you through all these features even though the account you have is a freemium.


Zety has more than 20 blank creative and professional resume templates and prewritten contents that you can use to create your resume.


They will also assist you by giving expert resume tips and designs that are prepared by experts while you design your resume.


If you are looking for an expert touch in your resume then it is the perfect companion that you’ve been looking for.


Making a resume with zety is such a simple process. All you have to do is insert your information and qualifications and they will give a perfectly cooked resume according to your needs and how you want them to be.

Pricing of zety goes like :

14 day pack – $2.7
Monthly pack – $5.95
 Yearly pack – $71.40

While using the freemium account too you can easily download your resume. All you have to do is click “download” and after completing every step, instead of clicking on the “save and next” button click “plain text (text.)” and this will help you to download your resume for free.

2. Resume now

Resume now


Resume now is another best resume builder that has pretty much good features that will make you create that perfect ideal resume for your jobs.


The main feature that is considered on resumes now is their fast processing. Literally you can create a professional resume within 15 minutes and now you don’t have to take the risk of beginning from scratch.


They do have free designed professional templates that would suit different jobs created by experts. All the templates and designs are tried and used to make sure which design would go with which jobs perfectly.


This professional resume builder curates a perfectly aligned resume that can catch the eye of the employer at the first glance.


The only drawback I see in resume now is that they do not have a premium version since they provide researched and applied designs and templates for personalizing a resume for a job.

The pricing of resume now goes like:

14 day trail: $ 1.95
Monthly plan : $ 39.90
Premium plan: $ 39.90

3. Visual CV

Visual CV


Visual CV is another best resume builder that will help you to make a PDF resume despite what industry or looking for.


Visual CV covers all of the areas where you want your resume to stand out like they have the amazing templates they have this amazing features they have this amazing upgrading tricks and tips for you and that is assisted during designing the resume.


They help you to design the resume in such a way that day tells the employee that this person has achieved this much with all their features and the amazing background they provide.


Apart from giving you the clear information about yourself through the resume which you see, they also help you with another way which is the best I’ve seen so far.


Visual CV helps you to track the analytic. which means they help you to see which website has viewed or downloaded your CV that you have sent to.


The pricing of visual CV goes like:

Freemium available
Premium $12 per month

4. enhanCV



EnhanCV also has all the other features that online resume generators must have like all the different resume templates, content typos, mistake corrections and everything else.


The best feature of enhanCV is that they provide an option where we can let our resume be critiqued by our friends or someone who we can trust.


In such a way we can have a complete correction of a resume done by humans apart from the machines.

And above all enhanCV is really easy to use and also has a really simple navigation.

The pricing of enhancv goes like:

Three plans available
$10.99 / month
$14.99 / month
$19.99 / month

5. resume IO

resume io


If you are looking for an online resume builder that will help you with the extent of customization, then resume IO is the perfect companion for you.


Resume Io helps you to customize your resume up to whatever extent you like but with minimal effort.


They help you to design a resume in accordance with your job preference and they also have the feature of tracking where you can find whoever downloaded or viewed your resume.


In resume io you can find it as easy as breathing like they have only three steps of processing. the first one comes is;


Step 1: Insert informations and qualifications
Step 2: Select the type, colour and resume templates
Step 3: Click download and take it.


See told ya. So simple.

Now the pricing of resume io goes like:

✴  Free plan
✴  7 day trial – $2.95
✴  6 months pack – $44.95
✴  12 months pack – $74.95

6. Resume genius

Resume genius

Resume genius can be considered as the easiest online resume generator. All they do is ask a few questions about your background, your qualifications, your extra curricular skills, your preferences and your template likes. At the end they give you a completely and perfectly cooked resume.


It takes only less than 20 minutes to generate a resume and humour genius they also have the option to give you the step by step guide. They also have an option where you can consider an expert who will suggest major changes if you want in your resume.


They have thousands of bullet points and phrases that can cover various industries and job preferences in accordance with your needs. Such features will help you to get a vast number of interviews just because they use the right words in the resume.


The pricing of resume genius goes like:

14-day trial – $1.95
Monthlu pack – $7.95
Annual pack – $95.40

7. Resume monk

Resume monk


Hiding nothing, but the first and foremost reason why I like resume monk as one of the top resume builders is because of their pricing. with the amount they ask, the features they provide are amazing.


Resume monk has all the features like go through the website, different resume templates, different fonts, grammar check, spelling check, pre written contents, capability to manage more than one resume at a time, but all these features and some extra features also come with the price that everyone will love.


The pricing of resume monk goes like:


Free version – 0$
Annual plan – 29$
Forever access – $89

I know…..isn’t that amazing.


wrap up

free resume writing services

And that was the 7 best online resume builder 2022 which I personally I think shines in its field ‘cause of various features.

It’s really amazing that we do have a free resume writing services within our fingertips. but most of the time we don’t realize how amazing that can be a help for us.


With an online resume builder, we don’t have to worry about how to write experience in a resume or how to add your qualifications in the perfect way, or any other stress.

If we insert the correct qualifications and correct information that we have to portray on ourselves, then everything else will be done perfectly by an online resume generator.


so that was it. I think I have given enough about the best resume creating websites of 2022. I hope that all the information comes in handy to you.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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